Monday, 10 February 2014

A line kids skirt - curve at hem or waist

I've some pending stuff from my phus phus skirt that I'd like to add on (pattern in inches, length etc). I'll definitely do that but my wandering brain and itching hands want to start something new. I'm thinking of a simple A line skirt (again flat front and elasticised back because that is my favorite thing right now).
Now I'm really confused where the curve should be? On the top towards the waistband or at the hem? I have googled but couldn't find appropriate reasoning. I know my hand writing is bad :)
I really do not know what difference it will or might make but I'm thinking to make the curve at the hem. This is because

1. I've done it before for circle skirt. Comfort.
2. The thought of attaching a straight waistband to a curved skirt piece sounds a little daunting. I know I can clip the skirt to lay flat against the waistband but since I don't really understand any advantage or disadvantage of one over the other why complicate things?

Where do you place the curve?


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  1. Thanks for the tips. It has been a long time since I sewed a skirt. I make two and they were great.

    1. Thanks very much. I've tried making the phus phus skirt as detailed as possible.

  2. Make two skirts one with curve at waist and one with curve at the hem. Moe

    1. I did a lot of window shopping, pattern books and found they are curved both hem and waist. May be cut and spread method to use here.


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